Rathbun's™ trademark




The name "RATHBUN'S" is a registered trademark in the United States of America.


Having our name trademarked allows us to stop anyone who attempts to use or register a similar mark. As a registered national trademark holder we have priority nationwide when there are any conflicts between businesses with similar or the same names. 



If someone tries to register a web address (domain) that infringes on our trademark, we will contest the infringement and will possibly be able to shut down the website. 




If someone tries to open a restaurant that infringes on our trademark name, we will contest the infringement immediately.  If you are opening a restaurant, it is highly suggested that before you begin your marketing efforts, that you complete a trademark search with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.  This will assist you with not wasting important dollars on a name that is already taken or similar to our trademarked name.

What is trademark infringement?

Trademark infringement occurs when a business uses the same or similar name in commerce in a way that may lead to confusion with the trademark owner's service/product. Trademark infringement is based on this element of "confusion", that is, a function of the mark's meaning. In general, infringement does not require the infringer to be a competitor, but infringement does require a similar product.


Internet Advertising Protection

With a trademark, we can prevent competitors from using our name and stealing customers from us on the web.


Companies like Google and Yahoo do allow companies to advertise on a NON-TRADEMARKED company name however, our name is TRADEMARKED and we will contest the use of our trademark with those companies so that our competitors cannot use our trademark in their advertising. 



05/14/2010t Mart in Atlanta